Be able to manage Benefits through the whole Benefit lifecycle including tracking Benefit target measurements.
Manage Risks, Issues, Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints including managing actions associated with the Risks and Issues.
Create a Schedule with tasks and milestones with the ability to have predecessors/successors, constraints and groupings.
Tracking dashboard to show various Health Indicators, Viability, Benefit and Money graphs, as well as highlighting where data is missing.
Manage Labour and Other costs including baseline and actuals/forecasts. Automatic tracking of costs to Approved Amount.
Setup the Governance Structure, setup and track meetings and decisions.
Track workshops (eg Retrospectives or PIRs) with associated actions. Track all Lessons Learnt and associated actions.
Easily see the upcoming and overdue items throughout ESPMI and where the focus should be.
Ability to allocate people or role/team and percentage allocation per month.
Manage Changes, assign and categorise Stakeholders, setup Engagement Approach, manage associated Activities.
Generate Status Report at a click of the button. Consistent health indicators throughout ESPMI. Ability to make commentary.
Automatic Alerts and Notifications generated on certain events and conditions occurring.
Have up to date information on strategic initiatives and other key metrics related to delivery.
Dashboards will show where your delivery is at and identify any key areas to focus on and support. Be comfortable knowing there is consistent reporting. Be able to manage benefits easily after the life of a work item.
Easily prioritise your portfolio, produce a portfolio schedule, manage your money (including FY budget) and spend more time on the areas that need help and focus rather than performing manual tasks.
Manage your project or programme end to end including change management and benefits. Have visibility into related work items without reliance on others to provide the data.
Be able to view how money is tracking at all levels including benefits realisation. You no longer need to wait on out of date and possibly incorrect reports. See how the FY budget is tracking at all times.
Have visibility into the delivery risk so you have a complete picture of your company risk profile. Identify trends and areas for training and support in relation to risk management.